Category Archives: Rins World


I like this new game of going to the park on the weekends but it [...]

Snowy days ROCK…

Snowy days ROCK!

It was my…

It was my 8th birthday today!! As I have been super patient with my new [...]


Fastest Foster Fail EVER

It has been less than 48 hours, but Mom says he fits too well to [...]

He IS really cute

He and his litter were abandoned in a truck that was parked at a grocery [...]

Don’t I get a say in this??

Mom and Dad have gone to see about fostering a friend for Mei…


Even I can see how cute this is!!! Description

Snug as a bug


Snuggles. All. The. Time.

Mei has discovered she is allowed on the couch, even if someone else is already [...]


Mom’s Note: This hat and bandanna belonged to Ned, the cat Greg had when he [...]

I think I can handle this

She leaves me alone most of the time and doesn’t try to steal my sunny [...]

Welcome Mei!!

The house has simply not been complete since Marlo died. So, after some searching, Mom [...]

Mom says this…

Mom says this just proves I am the best kind of dog… a purebread biker [...]


Missing Marlo…

For those of you who don’t know, I lost my big sister a few weeks [...]


Mom came and…

Mom came and picked me up yesterday and I finally got to go HOME. The [...]


A “Guest”

This hairball has been hanging out in the alley for a few days and waltzed [...]

Visiting Family

We have moved out of the loft, but we cannot move into our new house [...]

Chill time!

Just a few more days until we have our new house. Time to rest up [...]

A seat with a view

Faye has taken to watching us from above. That is the ledge of the lofted [...]

Truce… for now

Two old ladies, neither willing to give up the couch. I wonder how long this [...]

New phone photo!

Mom got a new phone, and in the tradition of every camera phone she has [...]

Patiently waiting…

Patiently waiting…..

Mom thinks this…

Mom thinks this would make a great road trip…. Someday we should make a book!


Take that heart…

Oh! I forgot to tell you all! I passed my six month cardiology exam with [...]


Mom was clearing…

Mom was clearing out her camera memory card and came across a few pics from [...]

Mom warned me…

Mom warned me that if I didn’t get out of the way she was going [...]


Because obviously the…

Because obviously the chair was not cushy enough!!

I had my portrait painted…

I had my portrait painted!!


I had my portrait painted!!

My cousin Ellie painted it!

Best part about…

Best part about staying with my grandparents while mom is out of town? NEW TOYS!!!

Mom apologized for…

Mom apologized for ruining my Thanksgiving ‘month of thanks’ plans by hogging the computer – [...]



“Day 7:” I am thankful for a roof over my head IT’S COLD OUT THERE!!

Day 6…

Day 6: I am thankful for Mom’s weekend alarm clock. The best part is, while [...]


Day 5…

Day 5: I am thankful for after-bath-ZOOMIES!! Water is awful stuff to have in my [...]

Day 4…

(Sorry I did not post this last night, we had dinner company and I did [...]

Day 3…

Day 3: I am thankful for my sister! Marlo is the best big sister ever! [...]

Day 2…

Day 2: I am thankful for Squishy Furniture! We have the most wonderful cozy doggy [...]

Day 1…

The leaves have fallen and it is getting cold. That can only mean one thing [...]



Mom! Mom! Hey Mom! I know I’m not allowed to climb on your desk, but [...]


600+ miles and it is good to be home!

Today was a 600+ mile day but it was nice, warm and sunny. Now we [...]


It’s a cold morning but I’m layered up and ready to go. Let’s go home [...]

Because obviously the bed is…

Because obviously the bed is not warm or cozy enough for this little pup after [...]