Monthly Archives: July 2013

My gallery slider is broken!

Mom is unsure why the gallery slider on the front page is broken, but she [...]


I’ve updated the travel map to include our 2011 cross-country trip (blue markers) and written [...]

2011 Trip has been added to the Travel Map

Mom took some time and added our 2011 cross country trip to my travel map. [...]

My uncle is…

My uncle is a strange strange dude… but I am a very tolerant little dog.


Mom finally dug…

Mom finally dug up the photos from our previous trips and added a bunch of [...]

My First Blog Post!

Welcome to The BikerDog Blog! Unlike the travel map, posts here will be made in [...]

My sister sent me a postcard!!

She even signed it! She even signed it!

Stoppin for lunch in Monticello…

Stoppin for lunch in Monticello, on our way to Rochester!

Bye-bye Buggies!

The bike got a wash today


It was raining tonight, so we didn’t linger to take a photo. Just wanted to [...]

Snoozing at a…

Snoozing at a gas stop in NY…

Back in the States!

After spending a few wonderful days in Montreal, I am back in the States on [...]